





























吳為贊先生是香港樂貿控股有限公司董事長, 大家樂電影有限公司董事長、沙頭角農莊董事長,積極提倡綠色環保及有機種植,更大力支持綠色保育工作,現為香港綠色學會榮譽會長、香港綠黨副主席。

Robert Watson


Born in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States, is an international leader in the green buildingmovement. He founded the LEED Green Building Rating System of theUnited States Green Building Council (USGBC) in 1993 and was its Founding Chairman until 2006.    [1 After helping to pioneer the green building concept as the "Father of LEED,"[2] Watson founded the EcoTech International Group (ETI) to meet the fast-growing demand for green building technologies and services in China, Russia, India and the United States. Watson is currently the Chairman, CEO and Chief Scientist of EcoTech International and its subsidiaries. Since 2008, Watson has also been the Executive Editor ofGreenerBuildings.com where he blogs about the state of green.[3] His work on green buildings in China and green technology in general has been featured in numerous publications, including Fortune Magazine[4] and The Economist[5] and has been referenced on multiple occasions by New York Times columnist, Thomas Friedman.[6] In Thomas Friedman's 2008 book, Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Watson is described as "one of the best environmental minds in America.]    Former Senior Scientist and Director of the Natural Resources Defense Council's International Energy and Green Building programs, Watson has over 25 years of experience on five continents improving the environmental performance of buildings, utilities and transportation through energy and building policy and program development, integrated design solutions, and clean building technologies. Watson was the only foreigner to have been honored by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China with its first Green Innovation Award in Beijing in 2005. In 2002, he was named as the first recipient of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership Award For Lifetime Achievement for his work with the organization.






黃煥忠教授自1992年於香港浸會大學生物系任職,並為寰科顧問有限公司執行董事,於香港浸會大學提供專業的環境顧問服務。黃教授早年於香港中文大學取得生物學學士及碩士學位,後於西澳洲Murdoch University 取得環境科學博士學位。他現為嘉漢林業珠三角環境應用研究中心及香港有機資源中心的中心主任,建立香港了首個獨立第三者有機認證系統,為本地及外國的有機生產及加工單位提供有機認證服務。他還應邀作為中國農業大學資源與環境學院、南京農業大學資源與環境學院及山東大學的客座教授。在研究方面,現時他正研究把有機廢物的再生利用轉化為能源與肥料、開發創新堆肥技術、厭氧處理廚餘廢物、廢物分類和修復被多環芳烴、農藥和重金屬污染的土壤。此外,黃教授亦為多項研究計劃的首席研究員,研究款項共超過7,000萬港元,他亦出版超過350 SCI文章及會議報告,擁有兩項研究專利。黃教授多年來致力推動環境保護,為特區政府多個顧問委員會成員包括漁農業咨詢委員會主席、環境及自然保育運動委員會副主席、環境及自然保育基金委員會委員、食物安全中心專家委員會委員等,貢獻良多,並於2011年獲香港特區政府頒授榮譽勳章。



Eric Bohm







Born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Received a Bachelor of Arts degree with double major in History and English Literature from Sir George Williams University, Montreal.

Started his working career in Retail Banking in Montreal moving to Toronto and Edmonton, Alberta during his banking career.  Employment outside of banking included being the Executive Manager of a major mortgage broker and General manager of a large gravel haulage firm, both entities being within the Tannenbaum Group of companies. In 1981 he moved to Hong Kong to take on the duties of International Financial Controller for an entrepreneur who had business interests in Asia and globally. The core business was franchised personal and home care products. Duties included tax efficiencies as well as investment in equities, real estate, commodities and venture capital. The core business was sold to Sara Lee Corporation in 1997 and he was invited by Sara Lee to be the CEO of an operating entity in the Asia Pacific responsible for R & D and specialized manufacturing of products principally for the Japan market.

In 2004 Eric joined WWF Hong Kong in the capacity of CEO. Under his guidance the agency expanded from 53 people to 106 with revenues escalating from HK $19 million to HK $ 78 million. He led WWF HK to be the premier conservation agency in Hong Kong, South China and the key driver of a WWF Asia Pacific growth strategy. Eric developed a keen passion for conservation during his tenure as CEO.  He retired in 2012 to pursue other interests.

Eric has been active in a variety of charities in Hong Kong primarily as a Trustee of the Church of England, Chair of the St. John’s Counseling Service as well as other social causes. He is passionate about ice hockey and was a funder of the Can-Am Ice Hockey Association in Hong Kong. He is an avid reader of ancient history, English literature, biography and contemporary literature. His hobbies include stamp collecting, construction of stage sets for amateur theatre. He has a singular passion for Egyptology.

He is happily married with one daughter who is a doctor in the UK and is now the proud grandfather to a beautiful grand daughter.











Fridrik R. Jonsson

Fridrik is the Founder, CEO and Chairman of Carbon Recycling International (CRI), and President and CEO of Silfurtun ehf in Iceland, and Emery Silfurtun Inc in Toronto, Canada, world leaders in paper pulp moulding technology.

His professional experience includes R&D in chemical engineering development and fuel industry, and in engineering innovation and development in the paper recycling industry. Since establishing Silfurtun in 1995, he has worked tirelessly to develop and enhance his technology, and has delivered plants in 55 countries world-wide.

He has also been a regular representative of Iceland on International trade missions, and supported separate Icelandic President’s on Missions to China in 1995 and to Abu Dhabi and Qatar in 2008.

Fridrik holds a BSc in Aerospace Engineering (Univeristy of Kansas US, 1980), and a Matriculation Diploma (Mennataskolinn vid Tjornina, Iceland, 1976). He previously worked for 15 years as an airline pilot for Air Iceland flying various aircraft up to Boeing 737s.

林建高先生 (已故) 永遠榮譽會長



曾任麗新集團、麗豐控股有限公司主席特別助理,前香港特別行政區立法會議員,並於2003年榮獲頒授:香港特區政府行政長官社區服務獎狀。林先生一直致力於本港多間上市公司行政及管理工作,亦積極參與香港公職及國內發展:曾任中國四川省政協委員 / 廣東汕頭市政協常委 / 香港潮州商會會董 / 香港潮陽同鄉會副會長 / 全港各區工商聯名譽會長 / 港九潮州公會會長 / 港泰商會創會會員 / 葵青工商業聯會副主席 / 浙江大學教育基金會理事會理事 / 香港大學教研發展基金名譽董事 / 香港潮屬社團總會慈善基金管理委員會委員 / 海外潮人企業家協會      副主席 / 葵青區消防安全大使名譽會長會副主席 / 葵青區少年警訊名譽會長會主席 / 淫褻物品審栽處評審委員
















劉耀南博士M.B., B.S., M.D., F.R.C.P

公司董事。劉博士于開設及發展公司、制訂監管及核證標準有廣泛經驗、無論以行政人員或投資銀行身份,均可以不同途徑令公司上市(包括首次公開招股)。劉博士于醫學、財務管理、藥業/生物科技公司的行政管理各方面皆有涉獵。劉博士現為Novartis的高級顧問,並曾是Roth Capital Partners保健投資銀行的董事經理、Ribapharm Inc.的主席及行政總裁(負責生物科技業20年來第二大的首次公開招股)、ICN Pharmaceuticals研發部主管及高級副總裁、Schering-Plough抗濾過性病原體的治療部及佛羅里達大學醫學院的高級總監。劉博士亦是 Chelsea Therapeutics (CHTP)、VioQuest Pharmaceuticals (VQPH)、Morria Pharmaceuticals、Taivex的董事局成員及Kinex Pharmaceuticals和XenoBiotic Laboratories的董事局主席。劉博士于香港大學取得醫學博士學位,現為英國皇家物理學家學院院士。







蔡先生是香港理工大學工業及系統工程學副教授。蔡先生是特許工程師、澳洲工程師學會(MIE Aust)及香港工程師學會的團體會員,亦是美國製造業工程師協會的高級會員。蔡先生加入香港理工大學之前,在香港及澳洲多個行業擔任製造及生產過程設計研究工程師,有超過十年的工業豐富經驗。







林博士是Havys Oil Mill SDN. BHD.及Paramount Enterprise SDN. BHD的總監,在印尼及馬來西亞汽車零件製造、油棕櫚種植、林木管理方面皆經驗豐富,自1995年起於上述行業身居要職。林博士是英國Staffordshire大學機械工程博士(1994)、英國UMIST機械工程碩士(1991)及格林威治大學科學學士。知識淵博。





劉耀明先生 - MBA

劉先生在模具工程方面擁有超過30年實戰經驗,是佳士美精密工程有限公司的董事及行政總裁。佳士美精密工程有限公司從事高精密模具,客戶遍佈世界各地。劉先生畢業於加拿大西安大略省大學The Richard Ivey School of Business擁有行政工商管理碩士,劉先生亦在國內及香港多間機構中擔任重要職位。現為廣東省河源市政協委員,重慶市塑料行業協會榮譽會長,香港模具科技協會副理事長,國際中小企聯合商會副會長及中港青年交流促進會秘書長。






陳國強博士、教授,1963年12月生,1985年畢業於華南理工大學,1989年獲得奧地利格拉茨(Graz)工業大學博士學位。1990至1994年在英國諾丁漢(Notthingham)大學和加拿大阿爾伯達(Alberta)大學做博士後研究,1994年被聘為清華大學副教授,1997年聘為教授和博士生導師。長期從事“工業微生物、生物塑膠和生物燃料”的研究。最近開發成功了以PHA為基礎的生物新燃料。在國際學術期刊上共發表相關論文150多篇,總影響因數超過630。論文被引用超過兩千兩百次(H指數為25)。獲得授權專利23項,27個公開專利申請。現擔任國際學術期刊《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》、《Biomaterials》、《Microbial Cell Factories》、《Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology》、《Biotechnology Journal》和《Asia Pacific Biotech News》編委,同時擔任國內核心學術期刊《生物工程學報》副主編以及《生物加工過程》、《高分子學報》、《新材料產業》和《生物技術產業》編委。擔任聯合國工業發展暑—國際高科技中心(ICS-UNIDO)的應用化學專家組生物可降解材料委員和中國生物工程學會常務理事,汕頭大學多學科研究中心主任。主持了多項國家環保的重大的基礎研究和產業化項目。在過去的五年裏,陳教授獲得的榮譽包括:教育部長江學者特聘教授、第八屆中國青年科技獎、自然科學基金委國家傑出青年、紐倫堡國際發明獎、國家發明二等獎(排名第一),茅以升科技獎、教育部高校青年教師獎等。曾連續6年獲得清華大學學生“良師益友”的光榮稱號。




余博士於英國劍橋大學取得博士學位,並成為能源經濟學家及氣候變化專才。此外,他於美國Thunderbird 商學院取得行政人員工商管理碩士學位,並於美國跨國企業擔任管理工作多年。余博士曾於香港城市大學任教,亦為國際能源期刊審閱有關氣候及再生能源等學術文章。

他現時分別為環境局轄下「能源諮詢委員會」及「環境保護運動委員會」委員,亦是環境及自然保育基金廢物回收項目審批小組成員; 余博士參與「商界減碳建未來」管理委員會之工作,與四大商會一同審批有關項目,並參與「香港綠色建築議會」之專家小組協助訂定行業標準,余博士為「世界資源研究所」持份者顧問委員會成員,同時於各大商業機構之持份者督導委員會擔任義務顧問。余博士曾於電視及電台主持環保節目,亦曾於可持續發展委員會氣候項目擔任支援小組成員。


















楊惠文博士是執業特許設計師,乃成立於1983年的楊惠文國際設計顧問有限公司(Simon Yeung International Design Limited)及楊惠文建築設計(上海)有限公司的董事總經理。曾出任特許設計師協會(香港分會)主席,致力代表協會向社會各界推廣優質設計服務。亦早於1982年獲接納為英國皇家藝術學會資深院士,致力促進在文學藝術、生產及工商貿易方面的發展。同時亦是特許設計師協會資深會員及香港建築法學會會員。





Dr. Andrew L. Thomson


Vice President

Dr. Andrew L Thomson Is a recognised environmental expert, with over 26 years of experience delivering cost-effective and practical solutions to organisations in both the public and private sectors. He is credited with driving best practices in areas such as green manufacturing, green buildings (through the establishment of HK-BEAM), corporate sustainability, sustainable tourism, harbour-front enhancement and climate change.

Andrew was appointed as CEO of Hong Kong’s Green Inc., on August 1st 2012. And, is working closely with the Chairman to shape the organisation’s portfolio of products, technologies and services, and position it as a leader in the delivery of integrated environmental solutions.

Andrew is a member of the HKSAR Government’s Council for Sustainable Development and Waste Disposal Appeals Board. He has also served as a member of the Government’s Harbour-front Enhancement Committee, Harbour Commission, and Tourism Strategy Group, and as a judging panel member for various environmental and sustainability awards. Among other roles he was a Founding Director of the Hong Kong Green Building Council. And, is a member of the Local Advisory Committee of the Division of Environment at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He frequently shares his experience speaking and moderating at local and overseas conferences.

He previously served as CEO of Hong Kong’s Business Environment Council (Feb 2001 to Oct 2011) and in consulting capacities with Hyder Consultants and Halliburton Far East. And, has worked on projects as diverse as multi-billion US$ gas field developments to grass root school outreach and engagement programs.

Andrew holds a PhD (1995) and a BSc Hons (1989) in Environmental Science and Management both from De Montfort University in Leicester, UK.











黃兆輝博士PhD LLM MPhil BSc 副會長

After obtained his PhD in City University of HK, Dr. Wong served as Conservation Officer in HKSAR Government.  Also with Master of Law granted from HKU, Dr. Wong now is currently active in business M&A of environmental, technology and natural resources projects.
Dr. Wong’s research interests are in a wide spectrum, from wastes water treatment, ecotoxicology, pollutant modeling, EIA, environmental restoration, to alternative solutions in environmental and energy technologies. In addition, Dr. Wong has been invited as business advisors and Technical Consultants for frontier technologies companies. He is also employed by HKU as an External Examiner of M.Sc. course in Environmental Management. He now is Vice-President of Green Institute of Hong Kong and active in several green and charity organizations. Dr. Wong served voluntarily as the Vice-President of Convocation of City University of HK and active as Member in her Council and university advisory committees.



















鮑璽文先生 Elliot Power




Eric Mueller
